Aberdeen Boat Club - Public Access

Booking Office Only:
Contact Mr. Robin Sherchan by email genman@abclubhk.com or call 2553 3231
Alternatively, you may fill in the Online Form



Aberdeen Boat Club makes its facilities usage available to authorized and recognized bodies by the Hong Kong Government and to other sport associations, groups and organizations the Club may see fit to use its facility for meeting, water sports events and activity under the following terms and references.

New Requirements for the Aberdeen Boat Club Opening-up-Scheme, January 2023 

Youth Membership Scheme

Type   Age Entrance Fee Monthly Minimum Food / Beverage  
Cadet Individual 9-17 Years None $210 Not Applicable Application Form
Senior Cadet Individual 21 Years None $210 $350  
Junior Individual 22-25 Years $5,000 $500 $350 Application Form
Young Member Individual 26-29 Years $10,000 $750 $350  


The Clubs facilities booking by outside bodies will follow the priority of:

1. Schools registered under Education Ordinance ( Chapter 279 )
2. Non-governmental Organizations receiving subvention from the Social Welfare.
3. Department Uniformed groups and youth organizations receiving subvention from the Home Affair Bureau
4. "National Sports Associations" recognized by the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China and relevant International Federations National sports authority or organisation support;
5. After school activities;
6. General Public Sailing development
7. Community recreation, youth groups, and cultural activities

Booking from outside bodies

1. Victoria Shanghai Academy - Booking of Squash Court for 18 students for one PE lesson (2 hrs) on 2 Feb 2015 from 2pm-3:30pm

General public use of the Club requests must be shown to be:

1. of an sporting and educational nature;
2. likely to contribute to the physical, moral and ethical well being of the participants;
3. legally and culturally acceptable; and  open to all regardless of color, sex, creed or national origin.



Dinghy &  Keelboat sailing centre
(All courses and organised activities subject to booking, no specific time, prices as advertised on our website)

Leisure pool
(Restricted to members only due to the size)

Fitness room
(Restricted to members only due to insurance restriction)

Snooker room
(Only one table morning time 8:30 am to 11:30, limited  to four people at a time, and 45 minutes per session. Price HK$80 per session.)

Squash court
(Booking time available 8:30 to 11:30 and 14:30 to 16:30,  one hour session at HK$80.)

Function room
(As requested subject to bookings)


1. Apply one month prior the event
2. Fill up this application form (instructions at the top of this page or download the form below)
3. Fax to the General Manager of the Aberdeen Boat Club 2873 2945
4. Confirmation or Rejection will be sent back within one week.

Facility Booking Form, click HERE
Fax: 2873 2945

Club House & Middle Island for Filming Purpose

Aberdeen Boat Club Main Club House & Middle Island Sailing and Recreation Centre are available for booking with the purpose of filming. Please click HERE to read the details.

For enquiries, please email genman@abclubhk.com