ABC Snooker On the third floor of the Clubhouse is the ‘Billiard Room’. The game of ‘Billiards’ is rarely played these days, the more popular game being ‘Snooker’. The table is full size and if fully equipped with all the required cues and rests. It has different sets of balls for playing Snooker, Billiards and Pool. There are tables and seats available spectators. At the present time there is no charge for the use of the Billiards Room and it can be used from 11:00 Mondays to Fridays, and from 10:15 on weekends and public holidays. It closes at 23:45 on all days. Each session starts at a set time and is limited to 45 minutes, however if no member is waiting, play can continue for the following session. A ‘Booking Sheet’ is kept in the main bar and a session may be booked in advance or upon demand. Only 1 session may be booked at a time to enable waiting members an opportunity to play at the end of the session. If you wish to continue at the end of your session you must check that no member has booked the following session and re-enter your details in the next position on the ‘Booking Sheet’. The full booking rules are contained on the ‘Booking Sheet’. Having entered your membership details in the appropriate space on the ‘Booking Sheet’ you must pass your membership card to a bar staff member in order to obtain the balls and the key to the room. You need to specify either ‘Snooker’ or ‘Pool/Billiard’ balls (but not both). Your card will be swiped into the POS system as a record and given back to you when you return the balls and the key (no charge at present). Guests are welcome to play, but a member must also be playing. Guests are not allowed to be the only people playing. Persons under 16 are not allowed in the room, even if not playing. For security reasons the ‘Billiard Room’ is monitored by a CCTV. Food is not allowed to be taken into the Billiard Room. That does not apply to drinks, however drinks are not allowed over the table. To obtain drinks either come down to the Waglan Bar, or use the telephone in the Billiard Room to order and the drinks will be brought to the room (however at busy times this may not be very quick). The Club has a snooker team and plays inter-club matches on a regular basis. If a member is interested in joining the team please provide your name to a member of the Office Staff. Happy Snookering. | |  ABC team members  ABC and other team members |