General Committee Members for 2024-2025:
Flag Officers for 2023-2024
The Flag Officers (FO) are elected from the General Committee members for a term of two years. The FO are responsible for policy making and strategy and are guardians of the Club’s ethos. They represent the Club in public affairs and chair the sub-committees of the Club. The Honorary Treasurer and Honorary General Secretary are technical positions and they are responsible for accounting and legal functions.
General Committee
The General Committee is the Board of Directors of the Aberdeen Boat Club. It is here that major decisions are made. The General Committee comprise 6 Flag Officers and 11 other members who are elected at the Annual General Meeting for terms of 2 years.
The Commodore is the Chairman of the General Committee. Members of the General Committee are expected to undertake various tasks and accept appointments to sub-committees. In addition, each sub-committee may co-opt lay members to their meetings as they see fit.
The function of the General Committee is to ensure the efficient management of the general affairs of the Club as provided for under the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Members for the year 2023 / 2024
Flag Officers |
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Chris Pooley Commodore (Chairman) GC member since 2008 | Alan Child Vice Commodore GC member since 2011 | Graham Price Rear Commodore (House and Building) GC member since 2011 |
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Stephen Perret (Rear Commodore Sailing) GC member since 2016 | James Smith Honorary Treasurer GC member since 2014 | Christopher Tung Honorary General Secretary GC member since 2021 |
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other general committee members |
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John Berry GC member since 1990 | James Ross GC member since 2009 | George Doyle GC member since 2022 |
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John Currie GC member since 2023 | Martin Ganz GC member since 2019 | Eric Tang GC member since 2014 |
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Ian Skeggs GC member since 2015 | Terence O’Hoy GC member since 2022 | Nicholas Bodnar-Horvath GC member since 1996 |
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Andrew Burgin GC member since 2024 | James Barker GC member since 2025 | David Hilling GC member since 2025 |
Sailing and Marine Committee & Dinghy sub-committee
The Sailing and Marine Committee is chaired by the Rear Commodore (Sailing). Members of this committee plan and organise all of the Club’s races and training courses, liaise with other clubs and organisations for external events, monitor our Club boats and ferry services, and are responsible for ongoing maintenance and development of our sailing and marine facilities and services.
- Stephen Perret (Chairman)
- Chris Pooley
- Ian Skeggs
- John Berry
- Christopher Tung
- Andrew Burgin
- John Currie
- Gideon Mowser (Advisory Member)
- James Barker (Advisory Member)
House and Building Committee
The House and Building Committee is chaired by the Rear Commodore (House) and deals with all issues involving the Club’s non-marine facilities and services. These include all aspects of building maintenance, house keeping, facilities up-keeping (swimming pool, gym, playground, DVD, etc). The committee also oversees all food and beverage matters and social events of the Club.
- Graham Price (Chairman)
- Chris Pooley
- George Doyle
- James Ross
- James Smith
- Martin Ganz
- Christopher Tung
- David Rees (Advisory Member)
Refit Subcommittee - Graham Price
- James Ross
- George Doyle
- Martin Ganz
- David Rees (Advisory Member)
- Anna Rees (Advisory Member)
| IT Subcommittee - Graham Price
- James Ross
- Sunil Talwar (Advisory Member)
- Tyron Truong (Advisory Member)
| Art,Trophies and Artefacts Sub Committee - Graham Price
- Anna Har (Advisory Member)
- Anne Skeggs (Advisory Member)
- Debra Evans (Advisory Member)
- Natalie Berry (Advisory Member)
Development Committee
The ABC Development Committee is chaired this year by an elected member of the committee and is responsible for ensuring a sustainable improvement of the facilities of the Club Main Clubhouse and Middle Island.
- John Berry (Chairman)
- Alan Child
- Chris Pooley
- Eric Tang
| Advisory Members |
ABC Membership committee
- Nicholas Bodnar-Horvath (Chairman)
- Christopher Pooley
- John Berry
- Felix Mak
- Jennifer Ganz (Advisory Member)
ABC Staff Committee
The ABC Staff Committee is looking at any related business and issues for staffing and human resources.