Middle Island Building Development

Aberdeen Boat Club Proposed Development at Middle Island

Town Hall Meeting November 23rd 2024 - Presentation

Town Hall Meeting November 25th 2023 - Presentation

Town Hall Meeting November 19th, 2022 - Presentation

Town Hall Meeting November 19th, 2022 - Questions & Answers

Horizons article Middle Island Development May 2020

FIRST Town Hall meeting held on 6 October 2011

The Harbour Room at 7pm

Present at the table: Barry Hill (BH) – Commodore; David Tait (DT) – Vice Commodore; Yann Sandt (YS) – Hon. Treasuer; John Berry (JB) and Philippe de Manny (GM) – General Manager

Attendance; There were 36 members registered with attending members of 28 from registered attended and 6 walked in (total attendance: 34 members)


The Commodore welcomed all to join the meeting and gave a brief introduction on the purpose for the First Town Hall meeting.

BH further gave a summary of the development that the concept of having Middle Island Developed was started 5 years ago as an ad hoc discussion.  There were no strategic focuses at that time.

The Gencom members have also discussed the possibility development of the Main Clubhouse as well as Middle Island and comparatively, Middle Island has more potential benefits in a longer route such as developing of pontoons, moorings etc. However, during that period of time, there were number of things that needed to be considered;-

a) There were a lot of things that need to do at the main clubhouse

b) Finance at that time was rather sensitive and need closer monitoring.

The Club had then undergone massive improvement in the existing facilities such as:-

  • The Galley kitchen
  • Four Peaks Restaurant
  • Upgrade at MI facilities
  • Painting of the main clubhouse
  • Toilet / changing room renovation

50% spend on clubhouse and building work; 20% on sailing and marine and 30% on major maintenance e.g. concrete repair and chilling system. Having done all the necessary work, the committee members felt it is about time to develop MI.  Then last year, Development Committee (chaired by David Tait) was then established for the purpose of a further development plan for the Club and it took 12 months to get what the General Committee has got for all.


Presentation of Middle Island Project

David Tait presented; the project below

Second Town Hall Meeting on 2 November 2011

The Harbour Room at 7pm

Present at the table: Barry Hill (BH) – Commodore; David Tait (DT) – Vice Commodore;

John Berry (JB) and Philippe de Manny (GM) – General Manager

Attendance; There were 32 members attending the meeting and noted that three ex-commodores Charles Doyle, Jon Zinke, Wayne Thompson included in the meeting

Notes from meeting:

BH explained that the Gencom proceeded with the thought of developing the Club for five years.  During these five years, ad hoc meetings were held to consider which would be the best appropriate step for the Club to improve for the benefit of members.

Within these five years, Gencom members have been focusing on the  improvement of  the main clubhouse e.g. double the size of the kitchen, exterior building, toilet and changing room, invested money on dinghies and J80, Four Peaks Restaurant, MI improvement etc. The Club has spent 20M in various capital expenditures.

Within that 20M, 50% was spent on House and Building items, 20% on marine items e.g. boats and 30% on maintenance.

In November 2010, Gencom members understood the status of the Club was in good state of repair and they felt it is the best time for the Club to move on with Development project.  Whereby, regarding to the financial side, an increase of subscription and joining fee which had help the financial status of the Club.

In 2010, the Development Committee was set up to focus on what the Club house needs to do.  The Development Committee was chaired by David Tait and its members are John Berry, Yann Sandt.  Within 12 months of brain storming and consideration, the concept of developing Middle Island was the best area to improve for the benefit of the Club.

Nevertheless, other clubs such as Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club and Hebe Haven have also focus on the development approach.  Therefore, it would be appropriate for the Club to work in alignment on what other clubs were doing, otherwise, the Club will sooner or later laid back from the Club industry.

DT presented the power point for MI development proposal for 10 – 15 minutes.
DT explained to all that the Development Committee members are all volunteer workers that have offered themselves to help improve the Club.  DT emphasized that the imagines shown on the brochure are only an idea on what MI could be developed in the future.

DT further explained that MI at present is only holding a temporary occupancy license, and it needs to renew every five years.

In order to get a permanent lease for further development, MI will need to have power and water. DT explained the power and water will more likely take two years for completion and therefore, the Gencom members have decided to impose the $288 building levy for two years and to be reviewed after the two years.

Electricity; status at present is RHKYC and ABC will be working with each other to get electricity from the HK Electric Co and electricity cost will be shared among the two clubs on a 60/40 basis. 
The Club will need to have an individual water meter and power station in order to achieve the requirement for applying the permanent lease.

Having got power and water, the Club can than improve the FNB facilities, eco-zone, open western end seafront for children to enjoy the nature. The phase sequences of the project could be reviewed at later stage after water and powers phase.

The Development Committee was also aware that there is a market for pontoon and marine and that the dinghy areas within the Club are important as these could also bring in revenue to the Club. 

The entire project will take 7 years and it will take two years for putting the plan in place for gazetting the project with the government.  However, water and power as well as upgrading of the toilet facilities will be taken as priority as it would be more simple exercise for getting approval from the government.

DT also mentioned that MI will be opened for 7 days with ferry service provided.  Concept of having ferry service to Deep Water Bay in alliance with RHKYC has also be discussed.

Questions received from last meeting were also presented during the power point show.

Noted question on what would happen with the development after two years, would be then decided by the future generation of the Gencom members to decide.

However, the culture identity of the Club should not be changed drastically.

The Development Committee was aware that the overall communication is very important.  Therefore, the next town hall meeting will be organized in February and March where a firmer figures and status could then be provided.

Barry Hill

The Gencom members were aware that the development will also compromise the existing operation of the Club.  The Gencom members will continue to upgrade the Club e.g. refurbishment of the coffee shop has also been budgeted as well as the roof top garden project.

The Gencom members understood that there will not be any compromises just because of the project.

BH welcomed any members to join the General Committee as there were plenty of works to do.  Nomination has already passed the due date but should any members wish to join the committee, they could do so during the AGM on the 29 November.





Development Report March 2015

Third Town Hall Meeting report, 18 November 2015


Barry Hill - Chairman of Development Committee

John Berry - Development Committee & Hyder Consulting
Edward Billson - MAP Architecture & Planning Ltd
Total 43 members



Reminder of Objectives

Support Government policy in promoting sports

Increased boat storage and training facilities

Substantial upgrade of catering facilities

Provide additional pontoon berthing

Provide improved facilities for children

Provide connectivity between ABC and RHKYC


Middle Island Short Term Tenancy Situation

Existing lease is a Short Term Tenancy which is renewable annually

Longer term lease only possible once dedicated power and water supplies provided.

Government reviewing terms of long term leases

Continue with STT until new terms confirmed by Government



Summary Programme – Phase 1

Obtain all Approvals                                                              June 2017

Procurement                                                                          July to December 2017

Commence Stage 1 West Reclamation                                January 2018

Complete Stage 1 West Reclamation                                  2019

Complete Stage 2 Essential Accommodation                     2020

Complete Stage 3A G/F Clubhouse                                      2021


Government approval process

Our development is a scheme to promote water sports and has to satisfy the following :


To promote sports in the community

To support elite sports

To promote Hong Kong as a destination for major international sporting events

Comprehensive report issued to HAB in March 2015

HAB advised Approval in Principle in May 2015

Technical submissions being progressively issued to Government

Establish ABC right to undertake future development


Review of Timeline and Achievements

Middle Island Opened                                                                         1996

Review of Club development options                                                2009

Initial Middle Island Scheme                                                               2010

Introduction of Building Development Levy                                     2011

Development of design options                                          2012 to 2013

Liaison with HAB on policy requirements                                         2014

Completion of Preliminary Design                                                     2014

HAB advised Approval in Principle                                                     2015

Review of estimate and programme                                                  2015

Feedback from Members
Questions and Answers


Development Update November 2016

Development Update Jan-Feb 2017


Related reports and documents

27 November 2012
Third Town Hall Meetings
23 October 2013
Design Development Report
24 November 2016
Feedback from members

22 March 2018
Feedback from members


Town Hall Meeting October 14th 2021 - Presentation


Middle Island Development Building Levy

Building Levy January 2024

Building levy October 2021

Building levy October 2019

Building levy November 2017

Building levy November 2015

Building levy November 2013

Building levy November 2011


Town Hall Meeting November 19th 2022


Town Hall Meeting November 19th 2022 - Presentation

Town Hall Meeting November 25th 2023

Town Hall Meeting AFM

Town Hall Meeting Presentation

Town Hall Meeting November 23rd 2024 - Presentation