Community Support

Booking Office Only:
Contact Mr. Robin Sherchan by email or call 2553 3231
Alternatively, you may fill in the Online Form


Po TOi Community Service 

41 Members of the Aberdeen Boat Club, joined the effort to clean up the entire beach on Po Toi and
surrounding areas over a period of 4 hours on Tuesday 25 September.

HOME AFAIRS DEPARTMENT - SOUTHERN DISTRICT FUN DAY - Thank you letter to the club (30 AUGUst 2018)

Provision of Services of a Water Sports Fun Day for Ethnic Minority Youths by Aberdeen Boat Club.

St Baldrick's Association

For many years the Aberdeen Boat Club has supported the Children Cancer Foundation and the St Baldrick foundation raising hundreds of thousand to dollars for research for a cure to Children cancer.

Little Sister of the Poor

It has become a tradition since 2003 that every Christmas the Club offers 150 to 300 free Christmas meals to our elderly neighbour.

Po Leung Kok  - Thank you letter to the club (13 Jan 2015)

For many years the Club collects at Christmas time hundred of gift for its membership to be distributed at Christmas to orphanage in Hong Kong.

Feeding Hong Kong - Thank you letter to the club (16 DEC 2016)

The Club organized two events with Feeding Hong in 2012 collecting more than 500 meals for under priligedged families.
It has now become a yearly event over Christmas time.


In 2006 the Aberdeen Boat Club offered its facilities for The naming ceremony of Adventure-Ship's new training vessel "Jockey Club Huan".

Dragon Boat Society

The Club opened its door to the Buzz Dragon Boat Team as their based venue to store boats and train team for over 10 years until 2018 . During that period, we have worked together to enhance this sport within the younger generation in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Sailing Federation

The Club supportsevery year the HKSF for national and international races by providing support boats, staff and equipment at a nominal cost with the aim of improving Hong Kong competitiveness in sailing.

Hobbie Club

The Club is proud to support every year the Hobbie Club international race by providing support boat, staff and equipment at a nominal cost with the aim of improving Hong Kong competitiveness in this very sportive field of multi hull sailing.Hong Kong Police j/80 world sailing.

Scout groups

Since 2010 ABC give scouts groups in Hong Kong the opprotuntiy to part take in one of the most competitive race in Hong Kong, the four peaks race, where they can clock in hours of community service being check point officers during 36 hours non stop over the whole of Hong Kong. More detail about this race can be viewed on the webpage in this site.

South China Morning Post Charities

We are delighted to announce for the sum of $15,485.4 of sales revenue of X'mas trees was donated to the Operation Santa Claus 2015 which was organized by SCMP Charities Ltd. Click HERE to view the Thank You Letter dated 15 Feb 2015 sent by the organisation. Official Receipt click HERE .

Thank You Letter to the Club by Special needs network hong kong

Special Needs Network Hong Kong has expressed their thanks to Aberdeen Boat Club for waiving their room booking and related fees for holding their Workshop in our function room. Click HERE to view the compliment letter dated 7 July 2018.

Thank You Letter to the Club by the Police Force

The Hong Kong Police Force expressed their sincere gratitude by sending the Club a thank you letter that we offered help with our parking space so that the police could carry out constructon work within the compound of Marine South Divisional Headquarters dated 21st February, 2014.

Thank you letter to the club by WWF Hong Kong

The World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong sent us a letter to thank us for the donations of HK$1,860 to their fund on 21 October 2014. The fund is raised from a meaningful event "Beaufort Beach Clean-up Campaign" held on 28 September 2014, mainly participated by ABC Members. Click HERE to read the letter.


The word “Club” refers to the Aberdeen Boat Club Limited and its facilities on Middle Island if not otherwise specified.

The word “User” refers to authorised and recognised bodies by the Hong Kong Government  and to other sport association, group and organization.

For the purpose of this policy any reference to facilities refers to movable and immovable assets of the Club if not otherwise delineated.

Every group or organization is required to abide by the rules and regulation of the Club and is required to make itself knowledgeable about them as well as informing its members.

All users of the facilities agree to make utmost use of the facilities and agree to leave the latter in good and clean condition.

All usage of the facilities are subject to approval by the management of the Club.

Each users of the facilities are require to produce an insurance certificate for their activities while using the Club ground.

The Club cannot guaranty full usage of its facilities if other activities are taking place within the same time and area requested. For obvious reasons, Club functions have priority over User's schedule.

On occasion, Club functions may require adjustment or cancellation of the above usage times.  In such event, the Club will use best efforts to contact User concerning such scheduling issues and attempt to reschedule User's time.

Individual or group Users are responsible for any damages occurring as a result of their usage.  Proper repair or replacement of damaged Club property is to be authorized beforehand by the Club or if the Club repairs damages the cost will be charged to the User.

In consideration of neighbours and Members of the Club always vacate facility within fifteen minutes after scheduled usage time including cleanup time.

The terms and conditions will be reviewed annually by the Club.

Membship Types for Community