ABC Sunseeker Opening Regatta 2012
1st & 2nd September 2012
Commodore's message
On behalf of Aberdeen Boat Club I would like to extend a sincere welcome to all competitors in the 2012 Sunseeker Opening Regatta. The event is being sponsored generously by Sunseeker Asia for the ninth year in succession and I wish to thank Gordon Hui, Managing Director of Sunseeker in Hong Kong, for his continued support and involvement. The Club is proud to be celebrating the 33rd anniversary of this premier Hong Kong sailing event. I hope you can join us. It’s a great regatta.
John Berry
Aberdeen Boat Club
- Notice of Race, click HERE [PDF, 58KB]
- Cruiser & Multihull Sailing Instruction HERE [PDF, 65KB]
- Cruiser and Multihull Entry Form HERE [PDF, 553KB]
- Berthing Arrangement, click HERE [PDF, 31KB]
- Notice to Competitors 1 (29 Aug 17:30) , click HERE [PDF, 34KB]
- Cruiser SI Amendment 1 (30 Aug 17:00) , click HERE [PDF, 16KB]
- Cruiser Entry Lists/ Class Splits HERE [PDF, 26KB]
- Dinghy Sailing Instructions HERE [PDF, 157KB]
- Dinghy L Notice 1 (NOR) HERE [PDF, 36KB]
- Dinghy L Notice 2 (SI's) HERE [PDF, 48KB]
- Dinghy Entry Form, click HERE [PDF, 469KB]
- Entry List for Dinghies, click HERE [PDF, 15KB]
- Entries and results HERE
Cruisers Results
Aberdeen Boat Club OR 2012 Race Results
- IRC Class 0 [PDF, 10KB]
- IRC Class 0 & 1 [PDF, 13KB]
- IRC Class 1 [PDF, 10KB]
- IRC Class 2 [PDF, 13KB]
- IRC Class 3 [PDF, 10KB]
- IRC Class 2 & 3 [PDF, 13KB]
- HKPN Class A [PDF, 14KB]
- HKPN Class B [PDF, 13KB]
- Formula 18s [PDF, 10KB]
- Other Multihulls [PDF, 12KB]
- J/80s [PDF, 10KB]